Getting Your PAL

What is a PAL/RPAL?

Finding an instructor to take your first CFSC/RCSFC course can be an intimidating task. Instructors for the CFSC must be approved and licensed by the RCMP. While this means there might be less instructors and courses; it makes finding them all the more simpler.

Find your province below and follow the links to find an instructor to book your first CFSC course today!

If your province isn’t listed below, please refer to this RCMP list of contact information to find resources specific to your province related to the CFSC:

Firearms are strictly regulated in Canada. Not just anyone can go into a store and purchase one legally. To be able to do so, you will need to get a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) or a Restricted Possession and Acquisition License (RPAL).

These licenses are regulated at the federal level. To get one, you must take a 12 hour Canadian Firearms Safety Course and pass a written and practical examination; for the RPAL, you must take an additional 12 hour course and 2 more examinations.

Once these courses are complete, you may submit your application for a PAL/RPAL to the RCMP. Your license will usually be issued within 6 months of completing your course(s) and applying.

Taking the CFSC/RCFSC




