
Firearm Safety

One habit to get into before you even start training with your firearm is to “PROVE” it safe. PROVE is an acronym that helps you remember the following steps to checking your firearm is safe and ready to clean, disassemble, or load:

POINT the firearm in a safe direction.
REMOVE all ammunition.
OBSERVE the chamber.
VERIFY the feeding path.
EXAMINE the bore for obstructions.

Even with an air pistol/rifle, it is good habit to practice the PROVE procedure every time you choose to handle a firearm. If you are interested in taking the CFSC to apply for your PAL, note that you will be taught and tested on the PROVE method by your instructor.

Safe Training

Competitions are the bread and butter of shooting sports. However, due to a variety of disciplines all distinct from one another, its important to pay attention to the rules and regulations of the discipline itself and ones specific to the event host.

While many procedures may be specific to the competition, there are a few rules which you can assume to be universal:

Keep your firearm unloaded until it is your turn to shoot.
Follow the directions of the RSOs and other range officials during the entire event.
Stay behind the firing line at all times unless it is your turn to shoot.
Control the muzzle of your firearm both while waiting for your turn and during your turn.

These are general practices which should be habitual for you as a shooter. Committing these practices to muscle memory during your training is imperative to your success and safety as a shooter.

While shooting sports are a thrilling and rewarding discipline, it’s important to note that firearms are not simply sporting devices. Improper use of a firearm, in training or competition, can result in serious and life-altering consequences. Unsafe use of a firearm can result in injury or death to you or a teammate, and therefore it is imperative to practice rigorous safety when using firearms.

PROVE it Safe

Firearms should only be discharged where they are legally allowed to be, such as an official range. While it is legal to discharge certain firearms on crown land (municipal bylaws permitting), it is much safer to choose to train at a shooting club.

At a club, you can expect to take a “range safety course” where you are familiarized with the facility and its rules. This extra step ensures a safe and rewarding environment where every member can train in peace.

Furthermore, at most shooting clubs, there will be a Range Safety Officer (RSO) positioned behind the shooting lanes. These RSOs are trained and experienced shooters who ensure no one is threatening other members with unsafe practices. RSOs are also able to help you with malfunctions or other issues with your firearm that would create an unsafe situation for you and other members of the club.

Safety at Competitions