Also known as precision target shooting, this challenging sport rewards those who deliver the most shots closest to the very center of the target. Since this discipline hones the most fundamental skills, it is ideal for the novice and expert shooter alike. (See Wiki.)
The basics:
Two similar rule systems (ISSF & CMP - formally ISU & NRA) have co-existed since the late 1800's. The premise is the same and the same core pistol target shooting skills are required |
ISSF (Olympic and World Cup Shooting) | Features
CMP StyleCMP Precision Pistol was the inspiration for the ISSF pistol events. As such, the events and match conditions are similar but the rules differ slightly as does the match format (the course of fire). | Features
DisciplinesPistol Bullseye shooting can refer to several disciplines (see Wiki). Small-caliber pistol (.22 LR)
Large-caliber pistol
| Features