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Concussion Awareness Week - September 25 to October 1, 2022

29 Sep 2022 8:00 AM | Kindbom (Administrator)

September 25 to October 1, 2022 marks the second annual Concussion Awareness Week in Canada!

The objective of this week is to increase concussion awareness by providing Canadians with access to the latest information, research, and tools to be able to prevent, recognize and properly manage concussions. It is an opportunity to showcase the innovative pan-Canadian work being done by stakeholders.

Since 2015, PCH (Sport Canada), in partnership with our colleagues at the Public Health Agency of Canada, along with provincial and territorial counterparts and the sport and education sectors, have made great progress in the area of concussion in sport.

I invite you to continue the important work currently underway within each of your organizations with having policies that includes sport-specific protocols harmonized with the latest Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport; the implementation of activities to prevent concussions in sport, specifically in the areas of rules of the game, training methods, and behaviors; and ensure greater alignment of concussion resources, including return-to sport protocols, with their Provincial/Territorial Sport organizations.

Further advances are still needed to prevent concussion and to learn what to do if you or someone within your organization or membership sustains a hit to the head. Concussion Awareness Week is a reminder to be mindful, all year long, that concussion is a public health issue and is an injury that must be taken seriously. As with other injuries, the proper steps taken towards healing can prepare the ground for a safe return to sport, to cognitive and learning activities.

Get the word out and access informative resources and tools at the following websites:


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